Call: Expertise to inform potential UKRI-FCDO Joint Research Programme: Nature-based Solutions for Equitable Climate Resilience
UKRI-NERC, in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Adaptation Research Alliance, are currently seeking academic expert(s) to work on behalf of UKRI-NERC to scope and design a potential new international collaborative research programme focussed on ‘nature-based solutions for equitable climate resilience’.
This is a great opportunity for early career researchers, or others keen to build their experience of working with research funding agencies in the design of new programmes. Activities will primarily focus on critically assessing the current NbS research base for research gaps and scoping potential areas for investment in consultation with appropriate stakeholders and stakeholder groups (both UK and International). The chosen supplier will work in collaboration with the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) through a planned consultative process.
The role will start in early November 2022 and run until the end of February 2023 (4 months duration) and potential suppliers are welcome to decide how much time (FTE) is required for the activity. Suppliers may consist of an individual, or a team of academics working together to fulfil the brief.
If you would like to be considered for the role, please complete the quotation request form attached and return it (NERC Head of International) by 4pm on Monday 24th October. Please feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have.
Read the full UKRI Quotations Request here.
Find the UKRI Short Form Conditions of Contract here.