IKI MI webinar: A Case Study for Integrated Climate Governance
A Case Study for Integrated Climate Governance: Aligning Kenya’s County Integrated Development Plans with National Climate Change Action Plan
Host: Scott Muller (IKI MI Governance Specialist)
Lead Speaker and Facilitator: Edna Odhiambo (IKI MI Country Lead)
Speakers: Carren Nasiaki Kirungu (Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources in West Pokot County, Kenya) and Anam Moturi (County Government of Nyamira, Kenya).
Description: In Kenya, climate change response planning is becoming increasingly significant to county-level governance. Unseasonal temperature variations and erratic climate events are leading to local economic crises and are significantly increasing the costs of infrastructure. County-level delivery of services, planning and budgeting is directly affected, making access to finance ever more critical. County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) must inform all spending at county-level. Any funds appropriated outside the county’s planning framework are in contravention of the law, therefore CIDPs have a pivotal role to play in financing climate actions that deliver the Nationally Determined Contributions.
This webinar explores the practical solutions to challenges that were scoped at a Domestic Technical Consultation, hosted in January 2020 in Nairobi by the IKI MI team, and attended by representatives from the District Counties of Mandera, Lamu, Nyamira, Laikipia, and West Pokot. The interview reports from this event can be accessed via the IKI MI webpage, under ‘Other Resources’.
In addition, please see the institutional mapping report Aligning Country Integrated Development Plans to the National Climate Change Action Plan which provides an overview of some of the challenges encountered at the country level.
Watch the webinar HERE
View the presenters’ slides HERE
Read through the Q&A HERE