Including Local Voices in Decision Making to Ensure Just Climate Action



The Government of the Netherlands and the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) Alliance cordially invite you to a lively exchange on inclusive participation of local communities in decision-making processes and local climate solutions that deliver real benefits to people and nature. The event brings together voices, perspectives and experiences from local communities, government and civil society from across the globe.

The climate crisis severely threatens vulnerable communities and exacerbates existing inequalities. These communities have taken countless inventive steps to slow it down and address its impacts. Yet, their initiatives are overlooked in decision making and financing. This needs to change. The global decision-making process needs to shift to more inclusivity and leverage on the voices of communities in the global South for locally shaped climate solutions for inclusive and just transition.

This session provides space for local voices and policymakers to reflect and discuss successes and challenges in strengthening local and inclusive climate governance and solutions.






Paula Bernardi, VCAl Engagement Manager Brazil, Hivos

Join us for this inspiring and important discussion

Government of the Netherlands and the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) Alliance, consisting of Hivos, WWF-NL, Fundacion Avina, Slum Dwellers International, SouthSouthNorth and Akina Mama wa Afrika.


The event will be held in English.

For more info on the VCA alliance click HERE.

An overview of the VCA events during COP26 can be found HERE.