Mobilising Private Finance for NDC Implementation – Challenges & Innovation
Photo: Gregor Rohrig
On 13-15th June, the NDC Support Cluster Finance Thematic Working Group is convening a workshop on the theme, ‘Mobilising Private Finance for NDC Implementation – From Challenges to Innovations’. The workshop is jointly organised by the NDC Support Cluster project Mobilization of Private Investments for the Implementation of INDCs and LEDS (MPI) (led by SSN) and GIZ Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA).
Funded by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) the NDC Support Cluster convenes thought leaders on NDC implementation. Together, they form the “collaborative think tank” on NDC implementation of BMU’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) to unfold and proliferate what works and what is needed for fast and effective NDC implementation.
The Cluster has four distinct thematic work streams. The working group on “Financing” hosts this workshop to discuss key experiences, challenges and barriers with regard to mobilising the private sector for financing NDC implementation. The discussions will build on participants’ first-hand insights on approaches in implementing NDCs that are working in practice. The workshop will bring together most renowned experts from climate and development implementing organisations, country governments, think tanks and academia.
Under the overarching theme of mobilising private finance, a key issue for discussion includes mobilising private finance for NDC implementation in the energy sector. The workshop will also focus on how mobilising private sector investments has worked, and the challenges experienced and which alternative approaches exist in the financing of adaptation measures. Another question that will be addressed is how these experiences can contribute to increasing finance flows through planning for NDC implementation.
Using an innovative design thinking method called ‘prototyping’, the workshop will focus on identifying approaches that are working and common challenges, emerging lessons and positive/replicable experiences of mobilising the private sector for financing NDC implementation. It will also provide space to develop innovative approaches for overcoming still existing barriers. The workshop specifically aims to promote raising NDC ambition as well as strengthening credibility and the long-term orientation of the NDC implementation process. Aside from intensive dialogue and peer-exchange among participating experts from different types of institutions, participants will be given the opportunity to feed workshop results into BMU’s International Climate Initiative. Adelphi will facilitate the overall workshop process.