SouthSouthNorth, in partnership with Perspectives Climate Group GmbH, was awarded a grant from Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP), now known as Clean Cooling Collaborative (CCC) – to implement the project Establishing Sustainable Cold Chains in Ethiopia. The project seeks to establish access to sustainable cooling in Ethiopia, which has been among the most underserved countries globally.
Ethiopia aims to become Africa’s green industry hub by vigorously expanding eco-friendly industrial parks, including cooling initiatives such as the cool logistics corridor “Modjo-Djibouti-Europe”. While these are hugely important for improving food security and climate resilience, there is extremely low cooling technology penetration and little domestic experience with sustainable cooling. Well-designed assistance programmes can enable leapfrogging unsustainable cooling technologies, and promote growth in key areas, while minimizing or eliminating greenhouse gas emissions.
The programme supports the Ethiopian Government’s sustainable development pathway by establishing the viability of cooling technologies and enabling access to sustainable cold chain coverage to improve food security and economic development. The key outcomes are twofold:
The project will demonstrate the technical and economic viability of climate-friendly and energy-efficient cooling technologies along prioritised value chains through a detailed scoping study in several sectors, including:
Capacity building will be conducted in several key areas, including policy instrument design (MEPS) and financing mechanisms, regional workshops and sectoral focused outreach activities. A cross-sectoral approach requires collaboration with various stakeholders and broad stakeholder engagement, through awareness-raising, trainings and outreach events at the national, regional and international level will be coordinated.
In addition, methodological tools for calculating climate and sustainable development benefits of improved access to sustainable cooling, with particular emphasis on transparency and environmental integrity, integration into updating Ethiopia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), and mobilising climate finance. MRV tools will be established and ways to mobilise climate finance through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and other key financial mechanisms will be identified.
The CCC is a philanthropic initiative of ClimateWorks Foundation launched in 2017 as the K-CEP which focuses on making climate-friendly cooling accessible to all and solutions that cool people and the planet.
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