Clean Energy Demand Stimulation and Finance Across Asia and Latin America (Learning Theme 2)
This Learning Theme both leverages off and collaborates with several existing communities of practice and regional networks including the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) work through the Asia LEDS Partnership and the Energy and Finance Working Groups on renewable energy financing and regulatory systems across Asia.
Learning activities aimed at stimulating understanding and facilitating access to expertise, networks and resources:
- To extend the reach of the Green Bonds Roadmap, IKI MI hosted and delivered a Webinar: A Roadmap to Green Bonds Readiness, in collaboration with Climate Bonds Initiative. The content was targeted at decision-makers in national and subnational government and institutions engaged in supporting finance flows to NDC implementation. The webinar provided a virtual demonstration of the Green Bonds Roadmap and a facilitated question and answer round to enable a better understanding of green bonds mechanisms.
- IKI MI initiated a collaboration with the philanthropic communities and faith-based groups on the topic of finance mobilisation for clean energy. Close to 100 participants joined the LEDS GP Finance Working Group at a workshop entitled Mobilizing Capital for Small-scale Clean Energy projects and Energy Access hosted in September 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. The workshop brought together faith-based, philanthropic, religious, and government leaders from across the globe to discuss strategies to scale and accelerate investment into clean energy and energy access across Africa. The rich discussion is captured in a workshop report. Messages and outcomes were amplified through partner collaborations including Green Faith International, the Shine Campaign, and Southern African Faith Communities Environmental Institute (SAFCEI).
The following five bold ideas came out of the Mobilizing Capital for Small-scale Clean Energy projects and Energy Access workshop that could enable a significant increase in capital flows towards ending energy poverty:
- Energy Access Guarantee Facility
- Blended Capital Fund Accelerator
- A Patient Debt Fund for Energy Access Projects and Entrepreneurs
- Zero to One Fund
- Energy Justice Fund
- IKI MI hosted a breakout session at the Global NDC Conference on The Role of Policy and Finance innovation in Advancing Private Investment in NDC Implementation (Global NDC Conference Breakout Session). The session reviewed strategies for addressing policy barriers that are impeding private sector investment into the clean energy and climate finance sector. By leveraging Public-Private Partnerships (such as the CEIA’s Vietnam work on advancing corporate renewable energy procurement and IKI MI’s work in Kenya and Bangladesh on small-scale clean energy business models), NDC implementation priorities are being advanced in key developing markets worldwide.
- Final Synthesis of Learnings: The IKI MPI Synthesis Flagship Report explores key building blocks of a private sector climate and a NDC financing strategy, and draws from key lessons learned from the in-country work. Case studies and examples of approaches are highlighted.
- The team hosted a webinar in April 2020 entitled Reflecting on the IKI Mobilising Investment Programme Learnings and Key Takeaways. The webinar draws from programme activities in Kenya and Bangladesh to share replicable strategies, tools and approaches to help unlock climate finance.
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