Movers and Shakers of Nature Based Solutions: Amplifying Community Voices





The Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) Alliance cordially invite you to join in the conversation that shapes Indigenous People Local Communities (IPLC) engagement with the Nature Based Solutions (NBS) concept. The event aims to provide space for participants who feel obscured in the NBS debate to speak from the HEART on their critical perspective of the technical and political strategy that aims to position nature as a solution for their social and ecological challenges.

Three inspiring and diverse thought leaders on NBS will share their perspectives to initiate the discussion and attendees will be invited to proactively engage and contribute to the conversation. The discussion will contribute in shaping the ways VCA should advance in amplifying and engagement of the often marginalized voices such as IPLCs, Youth and Women on NBS.



  • Txai Surui – Indigenous young women from Brazilian Amazon and Steering Committee Member of VCA.
  • Dr Mokhlesur Rahman – Executive Director- Center for Natural Resources Studies- Bangladesh.
  • Diilwe Syamuntu – WWF-Zambia, Coordinating NbS initiatives


The Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) Alliance, consisting of Hivos, WWF-NL, Fundacion Avina, Slum Dwellers International, South South North and Akina Mama wa Afrika.

The event will be moderated by Maimuna Kabaitesi, VCA Kenya.

The event will be held in English.

For more info on the VCA alliance click HERE.

An overview of the VCA events during COP26 can be found HERE.