Webinar: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation – Addressing Climate Change Through Integrated Responses

Hosted by: LEDS Global Partnership, NAP Global Network and Climate Week NYC

Date: September 24, 2021

Time: 3:00 p.m. SAST

Location: Zoom

Register here

Unprecedented mitigation efforts are required to meet the global goal of keeping global warming below 2°C pre-industrial levels. At the same time, this must be underpinned by robust adaptation strategies to anticipate and cope with the already unavoidable impacts of climate change.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts have traditionally been approached as separate endeavours. However, there are compelling benefits to integrating them, such as using solutions that simultaneously reduce GHG emissions and enhance climate resilience. Without integrated and proactive strategies, project managers risk spending time and money on adaptation efforts that miss energy efficiency opportunities and/or emissions reduction goals.

In this event, we will revisit why integrating adaptation and mitigation is needed, and explore how to identify and plan integrated and holistic actions that address climate change adaptation and emissions reduction for a healthy, resilient zero-carbon future.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear from experts on designing and implementing integrated strategies. The discussion from this event will inform the development of a short joint policy brief on strengthening the links between mitigation and adaptation at the policy development and implementation level.

Panel speakers include:

  • Neranda Maurice-George, Green Climate Fund
  • Florian Eickhold, Factor – Ideas for Change
  • Dana Yermolyonok, Programme Advisor, GIZ Kazakhstan
  • George Wamukoya, Lead Negotiator on Agriculture, African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES)
  • Diego Arguedas Ortiz, Climate Change Directorate, Government of Costa Rica
  • Mikaela Rambali, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Note: This event is the third in a series (the Peer Learning Summit) – please find resources from the earlier sessions here.